Happy Birthday Wonder Woman
In 1941 Wonder Woman #1 first appeared via newsstands on this date today, October 25th – a wonderful day to begin building this site!
The George Pérez reboot of Wonder Woman first got me into comic books at eight-years-old.
When I saw that beautiful montage cover with images that looked like my mother kicking butt and had my name on it, Perez, I thought this book was made just for me! I was raised by a single mom who had many sisters (seven aunts total) so an epic tale of amazing women culminating in passing down wisdom to a little girl and filling her with this incredible sense of purpose, just blew my mind. I read and reread that issue every year until I was eighteen, it was my manifesto.
Here’s to all the generations of loving and strong women that have raised their children up, giving them a better tomorrow. The heritage of their devotion greatly inspires me.
For more Wonder Woman views see my article in Creative Drive Magazine and keep an eye on this site Hope to make an announcement soon!
~ V